From Pastor Holmes and the Bibleway family. Let’s go!!

From Pastor Holmes and the Bibleway family. Let’s go!!
Sunday Morning Worship – 10:45 am, FB and Zoom (829-272-18454 - PW 2423)
Bible Study – 7 pm Wednesday FB and Zoom (846-242-73886 - PW2423)
Senior Call Every 1st Tuesday at 1pm 1-301-715-8592 (PW (81331446819#)
Male Ministry Every 1st Tuesday 6 pm Call line-1-667-776-9433
Men Bible Study Every 1st Saturday at noon, Zoom (836-7176-8795) or Dial In (1-301-715-8592) there is no passcode
Bible Study Wednesday @7pmStarting in February Pastor Holmes will be teaching Bible Study from the book “The Purpose Driven Church,” you can purchase this book from Amazon or Target
February is Black History Month and Red Heart Month
February 22 at 10 sm. MBC Chat and chew @ Jerusalem Baptist Church,2401 Loch Raven Road (near Greenmount Ave.)
Sun. Feb. 23 rd Black History Program please wear your African attire.
Thought for Today: For New Year’s
No Force on earth more effective than the power of prayer
Leading souls to Christ
Equipping disciples for Christian living and leadership
Embracing and upholding Christian family values
Evangelism, Discipleship and Fellowship
The vision continues…
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
-Matthew 6:33
Thought for the month:
No Force on earth more effective than the power of prayer
SERVICE: 10:45 A.M.
7:00 P.M.